Thursday, March 11, 2010

New year changes

Since my last post a lot has happened in my house. I was in the ER Jan. 2 for vertigo and couldn't drive for a couple of weeks because of the medicine I was on. On Jan. 4, my 16 year old daughter tripped over one of our dogs and fell on the carport and broke her arm in 2 places. A trip to the er for that and morphine for a couple of days. Then appt with orthopedic surgeon two days later. Surgery recommended for her arm. Not sure about that since she was pregnant at the time but we decided to go ahead and do it. 3 days in the hospital for that. 9 days later get her stitches out and appt with ob. she had already dilated 1 cm and was 80% effaced. 2 days later her water broke and we had to go to the hospital. I feel like all the pain meds she was on kept her pain down. It was surprising that she wasn't in any pain the entire time. Landon Ray was born on Jan. 16 at 12:35 p.m. He wound up in NICU for 8 days as he was 5 weeks early. He is now doing real good and has gained 5 lbs in 2 months. January was a rough month but I have just been chugging along trying to get the best deals that I can..