Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oppostional Defiance Disorder

If you have a child with this, you know how difficult life can be. My oldest daughter was diagnosed with this last fall and iy has been hard. I have been told I am a bad mother, that all she needs is a good whipping and been made to feel like a complete failure as a mother. When you have children there is no handbook to tell you how to raise them, you do the best that you can. Right now we have begun an intensive home therapy designed to keep her out of long tem care. We have been trying to get her in this program since Oct and they finally came through. Hopefully this will be her salvation and after we complete this program she will be better.

1 comment:

  1. My son has Asperger's Syndrome. Before this diagnosis, he was labelled so many different things (ADHD, ODD, OCD, Bi-Polar), you get the picture. I can feel for you as it was a very rocky road. Keep your chin up. No one who doesn't walk in our shoes could possibly understand that we beat ourselves up much more than they ever could.

    Just look at yourself in the morning every day and tell yourself that while you may not be a perfect mom (no such thing!), you love your daughter and you are the mother she NEEDS!
